EMA is the first company to introduce this technology in the Egyptian market and has solved many problems specially in the cylinders repair area.
Torque Wrenches:
Up to 6000 N.m
Hose Crimping Machines:
Up to 2 inches hoses can be manufactured in house.
EMA Group
is a premier hydraulic center specialized in fields such as custom cylinders, heavy duty cylinders and extra large cylinders.Our production facility carries a complete set of machines to get all work done in house. In EMA Group, we can design or repair any type of hydraulic cylinders as per the customer’s requirements as long as it’ within our manufacturing capabilities.

Our Equipments:
- Lathe machines: EMA carries in house 12 lathe machine to be able to manufacture different kinds of cylinders because they have maximum swiveling radius from standard sizes and up to 4.5 meters in length.
- Shaping machines: To work on a flat surface material up to 80 cm in length.
- Milling machines: For slot cutting
- Drilling machines: Drilling capacity: Up to diameter 50mm
- Surface Grinding Machine: To work on a flat surface material up to 100 cm in length.
- CNC Lathe: Can mass produce various kinds of components in the cylinders with high quality.
- Honing Machine: Up to 60 cm inside diameter and 12 meters in length.
- Hard Chrome Plating Bath: Up to 400mm diameter and 7 meters in length.
- Seals CNC lathe: EMA carries two lathe machines which can manufacture any type of seals up to 80 cm outside diameters under certification of MSO Seals (USA). We carry the finest materials to provide high quality seals based on the application and media which the seals will be working in.
Testing Services

Pressure Testing:
To maintain the highest quality of our cylinders, EMA always tests any manufactured or repaired cylinders to make sure the work is done properly.Test Pressure up to 300 bar.

Static Test Rig:
To test any types of hydraulic pumps with the below ranges: Max. Torque: 1055 N.m Max. Speed: 3400 rpm
Max Flow: 227 L/min Max Pressure: 350 Bar

Dynamic Test Rig:
A digital portable hydraulic tester can troubleshoot all types of mobile or stationary hydraulic systems and components. It provides flow, pressure and temperature measurements simultaneously from one point. Flow Range: 26-757 L/min <br> Operating Pressure: 414 Bar.